Saturday, April 28, 2012

When Media Protects a Bad Judge

Not exactly sure how long media has been "declining" to identify judges who make bad, to lethal rulings, (see but am sure those judges are pretty happy about it. Particularly in an election year.

The Fourth Estate has a duty to the public to change the way judges are covered.  The public cannot be expected to make wise voting choices if the so-called "Watch dog press" remains a lap dog.

For a brief list of some judges enjoying the benefits of media blessed anonymity see the "Archives" section of

As the voting public deserves better, voters could write letters to editors requesting better coverage.  Particularly in Family Court.  The nation's largest, busiest court, most used, most often - for the longest period of time, court.

Judging Judges

Dear America, Is Anyone paying attention? How about Judge Gregory Pollack? Voters? These are the people we selected. Lets get busy. There's a lot of doing that needs to be undone.